Wednesday 24 October 2007

Elevenses on the job.......

A full day working on this Citizenship course.
Highlights were a banana sandwich at lunchtime, a trip to Coleshill to post some letters & a birthday card for J.
I bought teacakes for a treat, & arrived home at 4.00pm in time for a nice cup of tea & a teacake, worked on until after 7.00pm, then cooked the dinner.
Nick Owen, Midlands Today, gets to look old. Discuss.
W & K have a nice new tap & set of kitchen utensils.
WRM wants to set up a blog for the fatties; there's food for thought!
Dentist tomorrow to have my broken tooth capped - on balance, I'd rather be working on Citizenship.
I shall write to Good Housekeeping tomorrow to see if they would like to do a make-over on the twins, before they reach middle age


Anonymous said...

Teacakes?? I don't feel so bad about the fried haloumi with flaming ouso I just ate!
I like the "weakly way" idea - was that GBN or GCN? very clever - we need a 'puter geek to do a graph for us!

Anonymous said...

What s busyn day, we were lucky to go to gymnasticks with J and a lot of other small kids, but before I had a nice tennismatch, so that was a day og my own, but altso with a nice cup of wonderfull english tea.

William said...

Get a move on with the letter to good housekeeping, you wouldn't want to mis the boat on the middle age bit...
Are you having a ruby in your tooth?

Anonymous said...

I am working from home and just saw 3 little birds on the bird feeder - I'm obviously having a very exiting day. I agree with AJen - all this worry about loosing weight is worse for you than the extra couple of kilos (don't know about stones).

Anonymous said...

K, you are not allowed to comment ever on the worry of losing weight.
This is restricted to those who have more than the odd ounce/28grammes of surplus fat to heave around.
What on earth is haloumi & flaming ouso - is it a typo?
My solitary meals are always quick & pretty healthy - I did have an avacado as well & 3 pints of water.

Anonymous said...

K, you are not allowed to comment ever on the worry of losing weight.
This is restricted to those who have more than the odd ounce/28grammes of surplus fat to heave around.
What on earth is haloumi & flaming ouso - is it a typo?
My solitary meals are always quick & pretty healthy - I did have an avacado as well & 3 pints of water.

Anonymous said...

Tina, you seem to be doing all of the things I should be doing.
Now I'm worrying about my lifestyle.

Gill said...

William. No problem with Good .
mHousekeeping. I shall pre-date the letter

Anonymous said...

MK Stones are about 7kg - you can see the scale of the (supposed) problem.

When I was a kid we had forpits (i.e.fourth part or 7 1/2 pounds lbs - only used for bags of potatoes), stones -14lb, hundredweight - 112lb and tons 2240 pounds (v.tonnes - or metric tons 2204lb) Confused? So were we!

Anonymous said...

We didn't have "forpits" in England.
Do you mean "bearpits"?
all units of MASS, I believe.