Sunday 14 October 2007

Tina & Bent over at Eleven - a first!

Arrived at the Arrivals gate at precisely the same moment as T & B, the "dodgy Dash" having stayed in one piece for the flight, against the odds.
Elevenses at Hollylands (coffee with chocolate Hobnobs) then off to Warwick for a quick look around & a "spot of lunch" before setting off on the "Shakespeare trail":
Anne Hathaway's cottage
The birthplace
New Place
Nash's House
Trinity Church
The Courtyard Theatre, for a well deserved cup of tea!(T & I well deserved a cup of tea long before this, but the proprietors of Stratford tea rooms contrived against this!)
The Ex Cathedra choir were rehearsing for the evenings concert in Trinity Church - we only gained admittance by the skin of our teeth & a bit of blagging -they sounded wonderful.
We drove home by a scenic route, (much of it at breakneck speed), rested a little & then dined at The Rajrani.
Beat that!
On a more rural note, the mole is now at the conservatory & threatening the flower bed. This calls for serious action!!!
Steve caught one mole last week, perhaps the rest are looking for him.
They are not alone in this!
We are planning to "do Waddesdon" today & perhaps see B,E, T& KP for a cup of tea later.
They are unaware of this, so may read the blog & go out mid-afternoon.
I am unable to label the photos as they only appear as "gobblydeguck" on the edit page.
Please refer to previous blog in order to put names to venues.
Now there's a challenge!


William said...

Anotyher boring old house and then uninvited guests for tea, hmmm
Glad you all found each other without incident.

William said...

Has G been on safari?

Gill said...

I love you, William!
I trust that you noted the footwear.

Anonymous said...

Greetings to Tina and Bent, happy hobnobbing with the bard.jen

William said...

congratulations on posting such a blurred photograph

Anonymous said...

I thought that the quality of the content far outweighed any deficiencies in the quality of the photo.
So there!

Anonymous said...

Did McVities do hobnobs in Shakespeare's day? Not even sure about the tea never mind the biscuits!